Board of Directors
Gary Noller is an Army Veteran born and raised in Dodge City, Kansas. Gary received a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from St. Mary of the Plains College in 1969. He has one daughter.
Gary comes from a military family. His brothers served in the military. His four uncles served in World War II. One of his uncles, a U.S. Marine, was killed on Okinawa in April 1945.
Gary was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1969 and served from September 30, 1969, through May 1, 1971. Although he received training as an armor crewman, he served as an infantryman with Co. B, 1/46 Infantry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division in Vietnam from June 6, 1970, until April 30, 1971.
Gary left Vietnam on one day and was out of the Army the next day. His final rank was Sergeant E-5. Although retired, Gary volunteers with several veteran’s organizations. He has served as Editor-ln-Chief of the Americal Journal magazine since 2005 where he writes and edits articles.
Gary was first introduced to Solutions for Veterans when he worked with others on the construction of Freedom's Path Apartments in Kerrville. Gary continues to be involved with Freedoms Path Apartments in Kerrville, Texas. He visits the facility on a regular basis and knows many of the veterans who reside there. When discussing Freedom’s Path in Kerrville, Gary states, “They [residents] are in the best local housing available to them and also close to their health care providers. Many are senior citizens, including World War II veterans. This housing provides them with a high-quality residence that they may enjoy for the rest of their lives.”
Gary believes Solutions for Veterans is an important non-profit because it can fill in some of the gaps in providing needed benefits and services to military veterans. His hope for the future is that SFV continues its success in creating housing for low-income veterans and senior veterans through a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs.